How would you handle an irate Client OR How do you manage conflicts ?
what are the responsibilities of a quality analyst in call center
all general question related bpo and self
What do you know about us?
what are the major key responsibility areas for a manager in bpo...?
I want to know in brief - What is a Disiplineary Action Policy (DAP) and Carective Action Policy (CAP) the both terms used in call center ?
What are you Konw about genpact ?
speak something about railways?
What is onshore outsourcing?
How long do you want go work here?
what the daily rutien of sunday
what is the address of allahabad bank durg ?
n rounds will be there in IBM voice based non-tech support?
why you want 2 join bpo ,after completing hotel managment?
Did you learn anything new recently which can be helpful to bpo’s? : bpo