Write the InStr function. Write the test cases for this

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Write the InStr function. Write the test cases for this function?..

Answer / echo

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace InStr
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//test case 1, should return -1
string txt = "this is a test";
string searchString = "ae";
Console.WriteLine(InStr(txt, searchString));

//cast case 2, should return 2
txt = "this is a test";
searchString = "is";
Console.WriteLine(InStr(txt, searchString));


//return the position of the first occurrence of one
string "searchString" within another "txt"
//return -1 means cannot find
static int InStr(string txt, string searchString)
return txt.IndexOf(searchString);

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Write the InStr function. Write the test cases for this function?..

Answer / majhoul

int Instr(int start,string string1,string string2,string type-of-the-test)

lenght= string2.lenght();
int lenght ;
int i ;// as counter for lenght

if (string1==NULL ll string2==Null)// to check that the
both of the strings
is not empty
return 0;

if (type-of-the-test = "text")// it doesn't matter if it is upper or lower case in the text test !!!

string1=toupper(string1) ;
string2=toupper(string2) ;


int location = string1.find(string2);

while (location != string::npos)//
if (location > start) // the string was found we have to check if it is match the type the test

i=0 ;
while ( lenght > 0 )

if (string1[location+i]!= string2[i] )
break ;// return where the string was found


if ((lenght-1) == i)
return location ;

location = string1.find(string2,location+1)


return 0 ; // if the string wasn't find at all [p


' String to search in.
string SearchString = "XXpXXpXXPXXP"
string SearchChar = "P"

TestPos = InStr(4, SearchString, SearchChar,"Text")

' A binary comparison starting at position 1. Returns 9.
TestPos = InStr(1, SearchString, SearchChar,"binary")

//' If Option Compare is not set, or set to Binary, return //9.
//' If Option Compare is set to Text, returns 3.
//TestPos = InStr(SearchString, SearchChar)

//' Returns 0.
//TestPos = InStr(1, SearchString, "W")

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