There is scenario. Total no. of transaction you have to done 1,00,000 in 8 Hour duration. One transaction taking time to complete 6 mins. how many Vusers you will run on this test.
3 9063Hi Friends, Can u give few interview questions which relates ArrayList and Hashmap. I mean how to link ArrayList and HashMap.I know this is not good way of asking questions like this , but i need
1 4661How can we secure the data which is send from client side to server? Like the login id and paasword needs to be authenticated on the server but we cannot send it in plain text into the server.One more thing we are not using the SSL here.
1678If the length of a rectangle is increased by 30% and the width is decreased by 20%, then the area is increased by...
4 32526I want question and paper based MS Projects. Also is there any exam which microsoft conduct for Ms Project professional to issue certification?
2358Would you say me selecting Mechatronics Engineering will be useful to my career in this present society? Request:i am eagerly waiting for your reply.
1 5764Post New Microsoft Interview Questions
How will you restrict ip so that the restricted ip’s may not use the ftp server?
In the region, where there is no quality management, what would you do to introduce the concept of tqm?
What is difference between jsp and servlet?
What is secondary namenode? Is it a substitute or back up node for the namenode?
Tell some latest versions in JAVA related areas?
What os do hackers use?
What is the difference between tables and structures?
Which is the best c++ compiler for beginners?
Which animal is a glutton?
What are the advantages of redux?
How to add an event handler in Visual Studio .NET and in Visual Studio 2005?
Explain High Severity and Low Priority with example?
What is the difference between let and var?
How do I save a sql query?
How to generate and propagate the plugin?