What type of document produce SRS. WHAT type of document produce FS(functional spec.) what type of document produce SDS(design spec.) Please give me a hierarchy of process of document, which the companies follow
3 12192Post New Microsoft Interview Questions
What is the 4 + 1 view model as it relates to system modeling?
Which is best linux os?
What are the types of installation?
Who built microsoft excel?
Is a number php?
What is cd command used for?
Is spark a language?
Is sql a backend language?
How do I check whether a file exists without exceptions?
How does job tracker schedule a job for the task tracker?
What is a context filter?
How can we derive power factor equation p=vi cos phi?
What are the technologies supported by qtp?
how to define and assign value for mini oder value (amiw) condition type and which field cateloge we suppose to choice in v/03?how amiw and amiz work together?
How a/b testing is done for ios app?