How do you create movement types? What are the steps involved? When will you recommend a new movement type?
3 33309I have complited my training course in SAP MM, but company are asking for real time experience, can you tell me who give realtime exp. at bangalore. i want to switch over SAP line and i got 15 years of exp. in domain knowledge, please give your Suggestion. emai to, ph: 0-9880761979
3 164831)wht is the diff between partner function and partner type? 2)wht is the use of account modifier in automatic account determination? 3)in stock detrmination.wht is header table and item table? 4)whr in inforecord you can see the quantum price?
2 13357I have two plants one is in india and another one is uk,both plants are have same vendor,and same purchase can maintain different caleculation schema for both plants?
6 17728In release procedure in purchase requisation,i have two strategies in p.r, SRATEGY 1:P.R value is 0-10000, STRTEGY 2:P.R value is 9000-20000. if your P.R value is 9500 which srategy is taken in P.R.
7 16234Post New Accenture SAP MM (Material Management) Interview Questions
Tell me what steps would you take to increase revenue for this company?
Is there a case wherein other qualifiers in multiple resources take precedence over locale?
What is a ctid?
How to work togather like sov,limit switch,proxy switch and booster in xv
Explain about the Decision Tree rule?
What is sem_post?
How many types of linked lists are there?
Which Namespace is used to to achieve MultiThreading in .NET?
How can we load the time dimension?
7. (a) How do you implement internal controls in IT systems? (b) How to design internal controls over financial reporting, when financial reporting is performed totally from the software application? Explain briefly the major points. (c) What are the additional controls needed, when the software interfaces are webbased? Explain the materiality of the payroll processing functions to be performed by webinterfaces from the control perspective.
How do I start sql server 2016?
test scenarios for downloading a file
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How does an xsd work?
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION FACTORIAL_1(factstr varchar2 ) 2 RETURN NUMBER AS 3 new_str VARCHAR2(4000) := factstr||'*' ; 4 fact number := 1 ; 5 BEGIN 6 7 WHILE new_str IS NOT NULL 8 LOOP 9 fact := fact * TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(new_str,1,INSTR(new_str,'*')-1)); 10 new_str := substr( new_str,INSTR(new_str,'*')+1); 11 END LOOP; 12 13 RETURN fact; 14 15 END; explanation Above program?