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Accenture JCL Interview Questions
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What does the TIME parameter signify ? What does TIME=1440 mean ?

6 41066

What is the difference between IEBGENER, IEBCOPY and REPRO in IDCAMS utility?

8 83314

How to execute 300 steps in a Job?

15 33905

is it possible to submitt more than one job in job card in jcl? and if yes than is it necessary to have the jobs same name?

4 24827

if we have a job consist of two steps and each step calling a proc having 10 steps each then how many steps are counted only 2 or 22(10+10+1+1)? can we have more than 255 steps in a single job?

5 12003

can we have more than one job in a single job card that is we are specifying only one 'job' statement in the jcl.

7 18601

I have a PDS and want to omit few rows of all members of a PDS. How to do it?

6 12687

what is full form of AIX

3 11616

what type of version is we r using now real time in all modules(cobol, jcl, cics, db2, vsam)?

1 3276

What type of versions we r using in mainframe (jcl, cobol, db2, vsam, cics)?

1 6612

which are the parameters mandatory in job card ?

4 6961

Do we need to code DCB parameters when using DISP position as MOD?

1 4144

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Accenture JCL Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain WSS in Sharepoint?


Can you list some use cases where classification machine learning algorithms can be used?


What is the purpose of TNS?


What is an object prompt?


how does sas handle missing values in assignment statements? : Sas programming


What is primary key access?


What do you mean by shuffling and sorting in MapReduce?


How does hibernate update work?


What are the advantages/disadvantages of mysql and php?


What is ngmodel in angular?


Explain the types of connectors used by apache tomcat.


Can we delete syswow64 folder?


why does daos require transaction logging to be enabled?


Explain the uses of fsg?


 On occasion, the Report Manager status for a report will be inconsistent with the Process Monitor status resulting with the inability for the user to view the report.  How can this be resolved?