how would you create a temporary dataset? And where will you use them?
What is alternate item group?
State uses of different types of stsrters with different capacities of motors as below: a. up to 5HP b. above 5hp to 10hp c. above 10hp to 20hp d. above 20hp
any meter avilable for measureing the Transformer Losses. ( like Voltmeter for voltage & ammiter for currenr )if yes plz give the make & supplier address, Email, Phone number.
What is PCA, KPCA and ICA used for?
What is a view? : abap data dictionary
The structure of keyword driven frame work is like a folder structure the different sub folder are 1-functional libray folder 2-object repository folder 3- database folder 4-appliction1.xls 5-initalzation vbs file 6-sequence file 7-driver script 8-test case list file My question is whether these are in a local server machine or in our pc.((whether It like Vss). can u give example of driver script(code)
What is Java Swing?
What is the default value of session attribute in jsp?
write a programe to print this string in reverse order and find out how many times letter c is repeated? string = { c was desined by dennis ritchie}. also find out the lenth of the string.
How do you mix cells in excel?
Can you explain context in the universe?
Program to remove duplicate elements in an array.
What is the function of cache fusion in oracle rac?
Which organ and subcellular site are most important for fatty acid biosynthesis?