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Accenture Oracle Apps Financial Interview Questions
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Can anyone tell me why in some tables in AR , AP, GL modules they r using int_all after every table

2 12782

how to find out one organization using multi-org or single org?

5 14987

What is Cross Journal?

1 8496

whichever documents prepaired by the FUNCTIONAL CONSULTANT while implementing project by using AIM.

8 17053

what is internal retairment?

1 3006

Hi Friends!! I've completed my MBA in Finance and Systems and currently working in a Staffing firm. Recently I've joined in Oracle Apps training institute and can anyone let me know whether there are any chances of getting a job as a fresher. Please help me!!

7 11105

what is orchitecture of oracle apps 11i and R12 ?

1 10730

Is the multiple SOB architecture (MSOBA)supported in 11i ?

1 5170

Can i assign a supplier type of bank account to more than one supplier ?

5 15819

How many key flexfield in Receivables ?

5 27839

Let me know to Support projects life cycles details?

2 7393

What is receipt class & receipt source pls let me know

2 9526

When we run the translation we can give only one rate type, then how can we run it for two different exchange rates?

2 6985

how to load ap invoice from legacy to our system and should show the paid invoice as paid and un paid as unpaid

3 5659

Can any tell me about R2R FINANCIAL PROCESS?

5 76033

Post New Accenture Oracle Apps Financial Interview Questions

Accenture Oracle Apps Financial Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is the meaning of c++?


What is wordpress category?


Why am I not getting my emails in outlook?


Is xml schema required?


how we can open the transient event list from the command line?


Why would we not include these?


How are numeric and character missing values represented internally?


What are the string function in php?


What would you do to summarize a Twitter feed?


What are the functions performed by bynet?


Can we have two main methods in c#?


Explain different techniques used in off page seo?


What is the direct valuation of the wage types?


A 22 year old woman collapses following Neville Barnes forceps delivery of the second twin. She is hypotensive and tachycardic and the estimated blood loss is now 800ml. How would you manage this situation?


How can you check whether a machine is 64 bit or 32 bit?