How system does if I don’t want w/tax for some of vendors for some period & again I wnt to use it?
1 5122Post New Accenture SAP Interfaces Interview Questions
What signal does ctrl z send?
What is the role of the dataset object in
How will you find the 99th line of a file using only tail and head command?
what is unique key constraint? : Sql dba
Discuss various approaches to develop soap based web service?
What do spark executors manage?
Does linux mint use gnome?
What is vlookup in simple words?
Differentiate between structure and class.
Detail about the architecture of web sphere?
what are the file lookouts if tsm server crashes?
How large is a boolean?
What are the limitations of wsdl file? : salesforce integration
How does a selection sort work?
What is Ad Trafficking?