DB2 is a A) data base/data communication system B) data base C) RDBMS D) Programming language
4 8237AGGREGATE function support by DB2. A) SUM & AVG B) SUM, MIN & AVG C) SUM, MAX, AVG , MIN &COUNT D) NONE
2 19195how does the defining of a stored procedure effect the size of a DB2 data base A) it increases the size of a data base B) it decreases the size of a data base C) it does not effect the size of the data base D) it changes the table space structures
2 9512what is contained in the DB2 node lock file? A) data base names B) data base users names C) license keys D) server names
5 14099which authority can be granted to group of users using the GRANT stmt? A) SYSCTRL B) SYSADM C) DBCTRL D) DB ADM
3 8956which SQL comment successfully removes uncommitted changes from a DB2 database A) rollback B) delete C) drop D) decommit
2 11829If I have 5 Queries in a DB2 Cobol program , while precompiling how many DBRMs will get created and How many Plans and Packages will get created while Bind Process?
8 15969Post New Accenture DB2 Interview Questions
What is array function in javascript?
explain about scope and storage class in oops
what is the difference between rownum pseudo column and row_number() function? : Sql dba
What is clang format?
How do I get microsoft access 2016?
What are the main components of a database in healthcare?
What is a self join in sql server?
What is the major problems you resolved during your testing process?
Hi, I am working for an MNC as an marketing and sales specialist.Not very much satified with my work nature and my interest towards SAP I want to do SAP-SD.I am working for almost an year and want to shift towards SAP.Can anyone tell me how good it would be to shift and how are the job opputunities for SAP freshers like me.
What does it mean to be stateless?
What is array and its types in c#?
Define stanton number [st].
What are the basic controls in asp.net ajax?
What is a Contact?
Explain about base register?