Change of sales document a sales document type of a sales order can be changed after getting saved. How do you do this?
Which type of connector we use at the end of GSM antenna/
How can I use ant to run a java application?
Who is to paid income tax and what is the procedure of filling income tax return?
What is meant by indirect contact heat exchanger?
Explain difference between dim object as object and dim obj as myform?
What are components in apache camel?
Explain the role of AI in intrusion prevention systems.
What is an index. What are the types?
how to prepare for accontant examinations
What is the importance of Prandtl Number in heat transfer?.
what is the difference between poolymer concrete and normal concrete
How to hide directory browsing in wordpress from server using .htaccess file?
A 35 year old woman complaining of vulval itching is found to have vulval intra-epithelial neoplasia (VIN) on vulval biopsy. How would you treat her?
We can use PASS with permanent datasets also. THEN Which is the condition in which we may use PASS (instead of KEEP) with permanent data sets, while there is no need to specify UNIT and VOL for them like temporary data sets (in cas we use KEEP for permanent data sets) ?