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Accenture SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the fields in pricing procedure?

13 51262

What are the challenging issues you have faced in implementation project/Maintainance project in SD Functionality? How you have overcome that issue?

2 37700

What does an item category control?

8 25949

How is plant determined?

11 23597

If it is development(service request),what is the purpose?

2 7996

what are the training document we give while giving taining section for users?

3 9936

explain how diff between ITEM and schedule line sales document?

8 16678

What is Copy Control? and how it works in sales documents ?.

8 37651

Have you worked on debugging? Explain any of one of the example?

1 8229

after technical interview,& hr inverview ,they asking ?any question's from your side

1 10088

hai any body explain me about dunning procedure

4 11365

in one sales order there are two material can maintain two different pricing procedure for these materials?

11 27096

Explain the difference between SAP 4.7 and ECC 5.0?

1 4396

Explain in detail about the VMS- Vehicle Management System in SAP ?

3 18659

Give 3 scenario of reporting due to which you require reporting help of ABAP consultant?

1 3092

Post New Accenture SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions

Accenture SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain the horner's syndrome?


What is the maximum number of match code id's that can be defined for one match code object ?


Which is faster count (*) or count 1?


Explain the flow of test script recorder.


Explain the significance of the & and && operators in pl sql.


Is string is a class in java?


Is singleton beans are thread safe in spring framework?


What is an alternative to windows 10?


Differentiate stopping and terminating instances?


How to get screen dimensions in pixels in andorid devices?


How can i get the image text that changes dynamically? Here i have used "GetROProperty", but it's not working. I used like Ex:Browser("webmail").Page("inbox").image ("captchaimage).getroproperty("innertext/text/value")


Can I install spark on windows?


why any centrifugal blower draw more current in starting. consider id fan and fd fan?


What is a de-referenced variable?


What idea do you have about subprime lending?