Hi, I am USINg QTP tool for automation. Where VB Script have to use. I want to read a row from the table present in .Doc File and to paste in excel. Could you please assist me or give me the code to get it. I am new in this technology.
1966Post New Accenture Visual Basic Interview Questions
What is dependency injection in angular?
How to define a sub function?
write a code for Implementation of stack and queues.
what is threaded joints ,where present usage ?
How do I select all files?
What is the difference between project, program, and portfolio?
Can It is possible to synchronize the constructor of a Java Class?
Tell me what is dict and list comprehensions are?
Why is normalisation important?
What are all the features of JMS API in J2EE platform?
How would you style an image or element to have rounded corners?
How many techniques can be employed to create a string object?
Explain the Job OutputFormat?
how can we compare descriptive programing with a regular expression
Explain me inheritance in python with an example?