how to solve #multivalue, #syntax, #error. iwant complete solution process in practical wise?
1 53665in report level u find from which context u use,why it appears,what is the reason,how u resolve in report level
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2 8285wat is report linking in BO..I know that 2 reports can be linked in BO with the help of writing a HTML code .But how. wat s the code.can u give me the example of code taking e fashion as the simple univers data provider.
2 7919Post New Accenture Business Objects Interview Questions
FlexiHopper and MetroHopper?
Explain M Var? Which types of problem occurs when reactive power increase at the time of full load of plant and at the time of synchronize of plant?
What are lookup tables in c?
What do you mean by anr in android?
What are string functions in vbscript?
How many ways digital marketing classified?
What is the seal packing gland for turbine?
What is Standard observer?
Define delegate?
What is data structure? Explain.
Prepare a trial balance from the following :- Particulars Amount Particulars Amount Rs. Rs. Purchases 8225 Premium on lease 1200 Wages 1025 Loan on mortgage 2500 Sales 12450 Plant & machinery 2000 Arun's capital 13500 Provisn for doubtful debts 300 Stock on 1/1/98 1500 Sundry debtors 16550 Salary 410 Trade charges 200 Rent & taxes 162 Bad debts 200 Sundry creditors 2572
What is the difference between spinlock and mutex?
Is there any advantage of last_name varchar(50) over this last_name varchar(255)?
What is xml dtd?
What are the three types of views in powerpoint?