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Accenture SAS Interview Questions
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What is criteria for adverse events and treatment-emergent adverse events?

2 17097

what is ae onset date n what is RDS


what is the difference between proc means and proc summary?

2 6938

what is AE onset date and what is RDS?

4 9184

How you are maintaining sas programmes in your company...any specific version control software you are using? If so, tell me the name?


why only we use SAS? their r many programmin language like SPSS, Oracle... Why SAS?

2 7228

what is intially documentation for a sas programmer?

2 5877

AE datasets names? how many types?


what is intially documentation in sas?

1 4546

hi i date is 05sep2005; i want the oupput like 05sep2005:00:00:00 ; how it wil come?

6 9819

what the use of proc glm

1 6388

in data set200 observation how to take 110,150,170 using sql procedure?

7 10899

what is conditional processing?

4 8275

what type of graphs we will create(for 2+years candidates)?


What are the analysis datasets created, and what are the new variables created in CLINICAL SAS

1 4452

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Accenture SAS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How to manage the negotiations process in service contracts?


What is an Azure policy?


Which is the first space ship that took man to space?


Can you sort a table in word alphabetically?


state the difference between repetitive and minimal monitoring.


Define discrete time and digital signal.


Is null in javascript?


Which are the most abundant metal and third abundant element in the earth crust?


How do I create a link that opens a new window?


What you know about iso 9001? What is quality management system? Weather qms is suitable, adequate and effective or not? Is there any quality policy? Is there any quality objective? If yes, then what are they? How they are planning to achieve quality objectives? Do they are measure quality objectives?


What is the difference between silverlight and flash?


What is the function of capacitor in electrical circuits?


are there rmu for 3 transformer?


Explain the execution cycle for a von neumann architecture.


do you know where we can host wcf services? : Wcf data services