what is the difference between sas and other datawarehousing languages?what are the advantages of sas over them?
2 8539if i having variables named a b c d e f ,how to find total of each variable ????give syntax...??
6 10273Post New Accenture SAS Interview Questions
During execution of Works Contract,If Contractee(Customer) supply goods to contractor, then it should be shown in Invoice as deduction or no need to show in Invoice.
What all document does a Business Analyst prepare?
What is the difference between electrical earthing and electrical grounding?
What is bit data type?
What are the different methods to refresh a web page in webdriver?
What is the difference between find elements () and find element ()?
What is the best bsd?
How will you deal with corporate office and what are the steps.
What is mvc technology?
Would you tell me that what is test script? and how to write it? are there some templates?
What do you think social networking sites have affected the daily life of the people?
primery try cell?
What is difference between swing and awt?
What is a local transaction?
What is namespace & why it is used in c++?