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Accenture Interview Questions
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Overall what percentage of positive and negetive testcases would you write?

5 10997

Explain me about test scenarios? How will you write it?

4 11559

What are the advantages of Global gui over gui map per test mode?

3 8358

Is it possible to place a Logical name in a data table and can use that logical name in the script? Tell me with mentioning function names..?

1 4791

What is the function of eval function?

1 6652

How to get the system date and time in winrunner?

2 7882

How to set a value in to a data table from the script in winrunner?

1 4763

How do you create a new expected results in winrunner?

1 4835

What you did in BDC?

6 22058

Difference Between domain and data element?

4 29869

what is Delivery? In which tables delivery data will be stored?

2 13648

Is it possible to write code in LSMW if so when will you write?

3 21541

what is the way to find out user exits?

4 18040

what is message type?

10 39142

what is the way to precide search helps in POV?

3 11761

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Accenture Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

how can I calculate daya of pump


how will you change ltg size?


What is redis good for?


What is the non-clustered index in sql?


What is opposite of ctrl z?


How to set NULL values in JDBC PreparedStatement?


Discribe type of fault in DOL and stardelta startor.


What is the distinction amongst delete and truncate?


Explain what is routing? What are the three segments for routing is important?


How to insert a breakpoint in selenium ide?


What are the Common reasons for app rejection from app store review process?


Is it possible to assign one symbolic account to various wage types? If yes - how?


I created a new info structure and activated update rules for it. What is the best way to transport them into a productive system?


What happens if you create an employee in siebel application and forget to create?


What is an event loop in node?