Difference Between domain and data element?
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Answer / prem kumar
Domain deals with the technical attributes for the field
(data type,field length,no.of decimal places),where as Data
element deals with the semantic attributes(short
descriptiopn) for the field given.
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Answer / preethi
domains are used to provide the technical properties to the
field. (data type,size and value constraints).
data elements are provide the semantic properties to the fields.
those are labels and documentation,
domains are not directly attach to the fields.
but data elements are directly attached to the fields.
one domain can be attached to the no of data elements.
and one data element can be attached to the no of fields,
Is This Answer Correct ? | 31 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / amit
domain is the central object for describing the technical
characteristics of an attribute of an business object it
describes the value range of the field
data element is the used to describe the semantic definition
of the table fields like description the field. data element
describes how a field can be displayed to end user
Is This Answer Correct ? | 19 Yes | 5 No |
Answer / mansoor ahmed
The Domain specifies the Technical attributes of the field
such as the data type, length and the value range.
A data element describes either an Elementary Type or a
Reference Type.
An Elementary Type is defined by the built-in data type,
length and possibly the number of decimal places. These type
attributes can either be defined directly in the data
element or copied from a domain .
A Reference Type defines the types of reference variables in
ABAP programs.
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