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Oracle Interview Questions
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ORA-1688: unable to extend table SYS.WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY partition WRH$_ACTIVE_3970712838_6793 by 128 in tablespace SYSAUX? What is the solution for this issue?

2 18169

wat's differ b/w air cooled and water cooled chillers..?

4 8423

hello every one..I am preparing for OCA exam.can any body tell me where i can get the material.plez send me if u have material to

1 3485

What is full form of XP ?

42 62547

What is Water Mark in Oracle?

7 20716

can u provide sql dumps for my certification?

31 24877

Can we link the Universes from two different sourcess?Explain?

2 6256

There is a table with 4 columns and 10 rows, how to write the script to display the first column records using qtp? can anybody help me with script?

6 17692

How to display the first 3 letters in these "ABCDEFGH" using qtp script?

6 18689

how to pass values from one table to another by using Bulk collect?

3 9623

why Test plan is needed??

5 13199

What is the procedure of: Analysis of invoice holds and getting them released in Accounts Payables.

2 8679

How Many Inventory Org can be/are there

4 11343

What is the mandatory setup in cyclecount ?


How many segment are present in Oracle Manufacturing


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Oracle Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is nsmutablearray in swift?


What is 'mysqlimport'?


what is cems analyzer explain with principle and drawing ?


What is activex control in ie?


What are the different design constraints occur in the synthesis phase?


Under what condition the work done in reciprocating compressor will be least ?


What is un-installation testing?


Is silverlight a new media player?


Hi I would like to know what is journal entry for buying securities with Margin Trading I mean 50% of cost is paid by broker. 2nd question is when we withdraw extra money from the balance we have in bank account which means our balance become (-) what is journal entry for that, should I just credit the bank or should I put the extra money with-drawled as a liability account ? Thank you in advance!


Why subroutine used in programs?


Define struts?


what is Test management fundamental?


How is jsp include directive different from jsp include action. ?


Explain bubble sorting.


What are the specific features of vora vs apache spark? : hana vora