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Oracle Linux AllOther Interview Questions
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1 which file contains information about os wether it's 32 bit or 64 bit os 2 difference between logical block and physical block?? 3 what is the size of logical block and physical block?? 4 daemon for nfs on client end as well as server end??? 5 how to confirm from client end about nfs server sharing?? 6 what contains information about file and directory creating time or modification time??

4 8735

User unable to login in server then how can u troubleshooting it? Example: server at Bangalore. in that server two users try to login in server. 1st user able to login. but second user unable to login so how can troubleshoot it ?

5 9301

1. User gaves df -h and the system get hanged. why ? 2. what is the hardlink and softlink mount ? 3. why is portmape should be started ? 4. what is nologin option 5. how to restrict users from accessing nfs ? 6. what is the difference between cpio and tar 7. what are the kernel parameters ? how to find out it ? 8. why we use sysctl.conf ? 9. if we gives init1 from multiuser runlevel, will it affect other users who already logged in to the system ? 10. what will be the available space to use after configuering raid5 with 5 disks each having 5gb spce ?


what is kernel panic error ? how will you fix it if you have face it after rebooting without the the help of rescue disk ?

2 9864

Post New Oracle Linux AllOther Interview Questions

Oracle Linux AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Compare and contrast the different ways of achieving concurrency in os x and ios.


Can we add the reference of a class library project in silverlight application project?


How to load data from one infocube to another infocube?


How to handling error and logging it?


How do define dynamic array in cobol. how do you define single dimensional array and multidimensional array in your cobol?


How many partitions are created by default in Apache Spark RDD?


Is and as in c#?


What is a bearing? What are the different types of bearings?


What is update method called?


What are bash scripts used for?


I am work in it aompenei


Is 64bit faster than 32 bit?


Can you drink alcohol with a loop recorder?


A non-static inner class may have object instances that are associated with instances of the class’s outer class. A static inner class does not have any object instances.


Explain about map message?