explain Metadata in Namenode?
What is the basic requirement for preparing drug master file , like EDMF , USDMF ?
how many litres of enamel paint required for 5000 sft of site??
What is a bean class?
Explain how to Tune Kafka for Optimal Performance?
Hello i am appearing for the BHAVINI written exam 2014 for the post of Technical Officer(Mechanical). Can anyone tell me what topics to prepare?
What are the examples of cloud architectures on which application can run?: cloud computing architecture
What is callback mode in wcf? Explain.
Explain Ruby exceptions?
Prepare a trial balance from the following :- Particulars Amount Particulars Amount Rs. Rs. Purchases 8225 Premium on lease 1200 Wages 1025 Loan on mortgage 2500 Sales 12450 Plant & machinery 2000 Arun's capital 13500 Provisn for doubtful debts 300 Stock on 1/1/98 1500 Sundry debtors 16550 Salary 410 Trade charges 200 Rent & taxes 162 Bad debts 200 Sundry creditors 2572
How does a Bandgap Voltage reference work?
How To Evaluate Information To Determine Compliance With Standards?
in google analytics session time is 30 minutes and how to change it to 45 minutes?
How to add object to object repository in qtp9.0 Suppose for brower yahoo home page
how to select short coloum and long coloumn for new molecule