There are 3 employees(say 2 colleagues and u not from same dept) in an organisation they used to discuss any thing except their salaries and one day stranger came and asked u to tell the average salary!plz give me the solution.
6 10215There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can ask one and only one question to move into heaven(twist is we don't know who is hell or heaven gaurd).how can we move into heaven?
20 26559There are two sand clocks(timers) one complete totally in 7 minutes and other in 9-minutes we have to calculate with this timers and bang the bell after completion of 11- minutes!plz give me the solution.
6 18225How can you test an application after production and deployed in to the clients system, connecting to the (Client's)server which is located somewhere in the US. I mean how can you connect and test when it is at maintenance
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