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Oracle SAS Interview Questions
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Describe the types of SAS programming tasks that you performed like Tables? Listings? Graphics? Ad hoc reports? Other?

4 14667

Have you been involved in editing the data or writing data queries?

1 5417

What techniques and/or PROCs do you use for tables?

4 10467

Do you prefer Proc Report or Proc Tabulate? Why?

9 29636

Are you involved in writing the inferential analysis plan? Tables specifications?


What do you feel about hardcoding?

4 7827

How experienced are you with customized reporting and use of Data _Null_ features?

4 9705

How do you write a test plan?

1 7869

What is the difference between verification and validation?

9 17272

What was the last computer book you purchased? Why?


What is your favorite all time computer book? Why?


Will it bother you if the guy at the next desk times the frequency and duration of your bathroom or coffee breaks on the grounds that ?you are getting paid twice as much as he is??


How will you react when, while consulting a SAS documentation manual to get an answer to a problem, someone says hey, I thought you were supposed to know all that stuff already, and not have to look it up in a book?


Can you continue to write code while the rest of the people on the floor where you work have a noisy party to which you were not invited?

2 5682

Do you think professionally?

1 5540

Post New Oracle SAS Interview Questions

Oracle SAS Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How do you configure and manage a windows server 2008 core installation?


How to change Replication Factor For below cases ?


Is a promise a callback?


Why do we use shortcut keys?


What is periodontitis?


What is competition? Which type of ecological interaction is competition?


How do I know what version of angular I have?


Can we use both this () and super () in a constructor?


How does traceroute work?


What are the after effects?


What are the options we can’t rollback if we enable them while creating custom entity?


What are content types?


What are the three pl sql block types?


Where is clipart in word?


State advantage in using microcontroller while designing any system.