What does order prepare command do?
How much does a javascript developer make?
What is a fix pack?
Whats difference betweeen operational data stage (ods) and data warehouse?
Why is button parameter “command” executed when declared?
Define credit control area (t014)?
Explain how to import .jar files?
Can you have 2 themes in wordpress?
In a flight window we have to enter the name and meal request for every passenger.In that window if we give Total passengers=1 then the Psngr1 name field and psngr1 meal request field will reflects.if we give Total passengers=2 then Psngr1 name field and psngr1 meal request field,Psngr2 name field and psngr2 meal request field and so on. how we can handle this scenerio thru Descriptive programming?
What is initial context?
Why is hibernate used?
Which keyword is used to accept variable number of parameters?
How do destructors and garbage collection work in c#?
What does index formula do?
what is the purpose of slides tab?