I have one POJO class(Java bean class), it has two variables for that it has setters and getters. Now i have created two objects for that class and i have set the data for those variables through this two objects. Now question is i want check whether those two objects have same data or not, for this write a program? Thanks, Bose.
2 16038Post New Oracle Core Java Interview Questions
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hi.. i've one crystal report. i want the report header as "employee database". i dont want to right click->insert and goto text object and insert. i've one aspx page and aspx.cs page also. now i want the "employee database" header to be printed from .cs file. i dont want to pass by parameter also.. i.e is there any option in .cs file something like ReportDocument myreport = new ReportDocument(); myreport.Load(MapPath("~/" + "emp.rpt")); myReport.Reportheader="Employee database"; i hope u have understood this. only thing is from .cs file i want to print the header as employee database. i dont want by passing parameter also... please help....
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