What is the difference between Array and Hash Table?
What is mvc viewbag?
What is a variable cost example?
Explain fictitious assets?
a.what products does your firm produce? b.what costs are asssigned to the product produced? c.for particular product,what direct materials are used? d.what percentage of total manufactoring costs is direct labor? direct materials?overhead? e.how is overhead assigned to the products? f.do you now use or plane to use an activity_based management system?why or why not?
What does font style mean?
What is the difference between Lotus Notes 5.0 and Lotus Notes 7.0?
i want know how to calculate it in payroll please mail me the percentages using there ?
What is a private class in c#?
what is the working principle of energy saver control panel. please give the complete calculation & theory.
How the market is measured using consumer equilibrium?
Define abap/4 layer?
How should errors be handled in swift?
What is the port number for NameNode
Hi to all..Now am working at one company as Software tester..I have selected for Accenture via one consultancy.. They have told that joining date will be on 19 th july..But now they are postponed joining date..whether i can trust that or not?Can u plz tell??plzz..whether i can put my paper to releive or not? CAn u telll?