There is no strict data types in perl unlike in other high level languages like Java so wouldn't that be a problem if a code in perl is to be a written by a big team of 20+ members ?"
2166Post New Oracle CGI Perl Interview Questions
What is multisite wordpress?
which processor is used in dcs.
in which perspective we deploy the flow?
What is the difference between method parameters and method arguments. Give an example?
Explain the difference between atomic and nonatomic synthesized properties.
Difference interview organization owned entities vs user owned entities.
what is the difference between poolymer concrete and normal concrete
How do I push an element into a stack?
Is int a class in c#?
What is what are semi-additive and factless facts and in which scenario will you use such kinds of fact tables?
How can we convert excel to word?
How many half- moons are there in a lunar cycle?
What is a feedback?
hai friends i have BSNL JTO exam on next month so if any body have model question paper or give preparation tips to my mail id this will helpfull for my future .plz & thank u by kumar
Define an application domain?