How do you copy a row in word?
what questions will be asked for 11/33KV licence interview APSEB hyderabad. Can any one share question and answers.
What is equal c#?
Define passive immunity?
Are struts thread safe?
What is the use of version property in hibernate?
What are the improvements in NW 7.5 to leverage the strength of HANA?
What are the different types of web server?
the question asked in financial management , what will your out look towards maintenance of liquid assets to ensure that the firm has adequate cash in hand to meet its obligations at all times? i need this answer in 5 to 6 pages in brief
What is web server hardening?
what is major differnet between hub and switch and also defferent between router and switch
What is the purpose of a web server?
Explain the Architechture of SRE and JCAPS.
What causes server overload?
How long are usually the projects?