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Oracle Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions
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What is the maximum number of statements that can be specified in a trigger statement?

1 10316

Oder of firing triggers in form

7 14959

What are Mandatory triggers to write in the block, which is created on view?

5 9536

what could be the problem if invoice_id is same in ap_invoices_all and ap_invoices_interface. while the Ord_id , invoice_num, and other things is diffrent .

3 16061

what are the functions you are used in utl_file at the time of transferring the data?

2 9737

what is back order in OM

4 24801

Can We Create a Synonym On Trigger?

7 26693

what are the different types of triggers in reports

2 10184

what are the different types of parameters avialable in reports?

2 7188

What is workflow?Explain with a example?

2 8597

can we use anchor propery in XML reports?if yes?explain?

2 7348

How to send the e-mail notification in XML Pub Report?

2 9184

what is the diff between custom.pll and form personalization? Tell me one example?

4 28984

How to insert data into two tables using single control file?

3 16665

How to know the number of invoices generated for one PO from front end (navigation)?

1 6561

Post New Oracle Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

Oracle Oracle Apps Technical Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How to send the renewal quotes to the party?


Is it possible to do 301 redirects in javascript ?


What is SEBI? What is a Share? Why it is issued?


Difference between drift current and diffusion current?


Name the app sate which it reaches briefly on its way to being suspended in iOS operating system?


What is the difference between a vector and a phasor?


How do you call a constructor for a parent class?


Write a program that can take input from 3 to 8 and calculate the average?


What are the deductions under salary head? Name the items.


with 3 phase board on a 63 amp rcd is it ok to have 6 electrical showers 2 on each phase and what problems could happen


What is the advantages of VB.NET?


Where do you put your robots.txt?


Name some of the keywords used in


What is dom in javascript?


What is semaphore explain with example?