followin source like region sales 1 100 2 200 i want the output following format region 1 2 sales 100 200
2 5383Post New Oracle Informatica Interview Questions
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How does adwords bidding work?
Explain the role of metadata for the three-layer architecture.
What is Pinvoke?
What are the best consoles?
explain structure of optical fibre
How do I convert a table to text in word?
How do you change columns in postgresql?
What is set verify off in oracle?
How to test cement,sand,20mmbluemetal,40mmbluemetal,bricks,concrete by visual and instrument
How do I train as an Ubuntu system administrator?
Which object is very fast in getting data from the database?
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What are the differences between get and load methods?
To improve the performance of information view by validating joins and cardinality, which option cab be used?