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Oracle Puzzles Interview Questions
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You have a sheet cake. There is a rectangular piece missing from the inside of the sheet cake. The location of the missing piece is arbitrary. I was told I could assume I had the means to make the cuts. How do you divide the sheet cake into 2 even proportions with 2 cuts?

15 36759

There are 25 horses and only five tracks in a race. How do you find the second coming horse of all the 25 horses, provided there is no stop clock? (obviously, a horse cannot participate more than once in a race).

28 80982

A person is standing at the top of a 100mt building, he has a rope 75mts long and the only way he can come down is through the rope. He can cut the rope also he can tie the rope at any point on the building, but he cant jump and ofcourse dont even think about the stairs :D Find out the best way he'll come down.

14 35448

Three boxes labeled as red, blue and mixed.These labels are box contains red balls and another box contains blue balls and remaining one box contains both red and blue balls. Pickup one ball from any box(u should pickup ball only once) and name the correct labels.

7 92118

You have 8 coins. 3 of them weigh x units, 3 y units, 1 a units and 1 b units. They are all mixed and look identical. You have to find the lightest coin in minimum number of weighing (balance)

1 5233

Given two bucket of large capacity. There are 100 black ball and 100 white ball. Distribute the balls among two bucket such that probability of choosing a white ball is maximum.

3 8805

There are 8 coins in a bag . 3 coin weights x kg 3 coins weights y kg 2 coins weights z kg 2 coins weights w kg You have to separate them into separate heaps according to their weights .

1 5368

1) You have 8 coins. 3 of them weigh x units, 3 y units, 1 a units and 1 b units. They are all mixed and look identical. You have to find the lightest coin in minimum number of weighing .

9 16671

You have only one container full of water. You didnt have any marker or measurement device. Find the half of the container.

3 12622

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Oracle Puzzles Interview Questions

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