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College School Exams Tests Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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Do you know how to measure the earth resistance? if so explain it

42 158861

why transformer ratings in kva?

99 219997

why, when birds sit on transmission lines or current wires doesn't get shock?

36 52849

What is Ohms law?

28 31002

What is meant by Active and reactive power?

23 104546

what is derating factor in Cable ? how we minimise this?

18 115127

Why Transformer in KVA?

41 85064

What is the difference between AC Drives and DC Drives?

14 92896

1. Why a DC motor starter is called 3 point starter

21 77265

why used in starter in tube ligtht circuit.

4 8593

Why we are use 11KV / 22KV / 33KV / 66KV / 110KV / 230KV / 440KV this type of ratio. why cant we use other voltage ratio like 54KV / 99KV et.,

8 30672

what is the relationship between induction motor and transformers?

11 33048

Why we choose 400kv,220kv,132kv,66kv,33kv transmission voltages for transmitting power. Why not other voltage levels.

21 59458

what is the function of a commutator in a dc generator?

14 73615

What is the Total Power generation Capacity in India at present ??

20 35612

Post New College School Exams Tests Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

College School Exams Tests Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

List some features of php that are deprecated in php7?


How i can calculate heat transfer in reactor at unsteady state and what data should i have? I want equation and process to calculate it? As there is steam or brine in jacket


What purpose is served by the application.lock method?


What is compound trigger?


What is port 135 commonly used for?


What is Memos?


What is an excel file format?


why do people keep journals? : Journalist


How to create axes in the graph?


How do I transfer outlook to a new computer?


Tell us what is crawling?


What is cell value?


What is job tracker role in hadoop?


Explain digest cycle, watchers and dirty checking?


Layers which could define the architecture of cloud computing?