Min-Max Write an algorithm that finds both the smallest and largest numbers in a list of n numbers and with complexity T(n) is at most about (1.5)n comparisons.
10 44172Write a program using one dimensional array that accept five values from the keyboard. Then it should also accept a number to search. This number is to be searched if it among the five input values. If it is found, display the message “Search number is found!” otherwise, display “Search is lost”. Example: Enter 5 numbers: 10 15 20 7 8 Enter number to search: 7 Search number is found!
2 20464Post New College School Exams Tests C++ Code Interview Questions
How to prevent modification of an object in Javascript?
Which are the necessary conditions to achieve a deadlock?
Differentiate between a copy constructor and an overloaded assignment operator.
give me examples of the accounting reports you have prepared
hi iam working as a pharma marketing professional getting 40k month i was in this field for 5 yrs ,and iam nearing to my next level as reginal manager where i can earn up to 60k/month ,but i want to know what will be the salary for bank pos and what and all the othe benifits and growth pattern and benofits mplz do help me
Explain PHP looping?
Does the internet need iot?
What are the different ways to login to a remote server? Explain the me, advantages and disadvantages?
Explain what is a cell in websphere?
What does alt y do?
State the difference between jes2 and jes3?
Explain form element decorators in zend framework2?
Name some of the keywords used in vb.net?
Which is better cte or subquery?
Which is the highest android version?