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College School Exams Tests C Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 99521

Write a program to interchange two variables without using the third variable?

17 37850

main() { int x=5; printf("%d %d %d\n",x,x<<2,x>>2); }

11 48290

how many header file is in C language ?

44 73417

What is the Difference between Macro and ordinary definition?

3 25364

what is difference between array and structure?

44 131321

who is the founder of c

19 30150

write a program to swap bits in a character and return the value prototype of function char fun (char a, charb flag c) where fun returns a char, char a is a the value char b is the bit to be changed and flag c is the bit value for eg: x=fun(45,7,0) since 45 is 0010 0101 and ow x should contain the value 65 (0110 0101)

1 6808

How to add two numbers without using arithmetic operators?

18 39942

program to get the remainder and quotant of given two numbers with out using % and / operators?

10 32168

Write a program to print all the prime numbers with in the given range

8 28045

To find whether a number is even or odd without using any conditional operator??

12 27583

differentiate between const char *a; char *const a; and char const *a;

2 6857

Write a c pgm for leap year

11 17311

write a program to produce the following output; ABCDEFGFEDCBA ABCDEF FEDCBA ABCDE EDCBA ABCD DCBA ABC CBA AB BA A A

17 57011

Post New College School Exams Tests C Interview Questions

College School Exams Tests C Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

How to track your team members?


What is One Rank One Pension Scheme?


How do you approach discussions about end-of-life care and advance directives for pediatric patients with life-limiting conditions?


Why is the type for real numbers called double?


One of the optimizing technique to improve the session performance is push down optimization,by using push down optimization we push as much as transformation logic to source/target database,but this degrades the d/b performance,how to overcome this?


How do you add a serial number in excel?


Walk me through your CV/resume without looking at it.


Explain session tracking and its importance?


How do I upgrade wordpress safely?


7. Give me an example of a time when you have tried to accomplish something, and failed


What is back stitching?


What are the differences between blob and clob in oracle?


How would you integrate spring and hibernate using hibernatedaosupport?


What are properties and instance variables in objective c and swift?


What are the minimum privileges required to create solution?