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College School Exams Tests C Interview Questions
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What are advantages and disadvantages of recursive calling ?

12 98801

Write a program to interchange two variables without using the third variable?

17 37082

main() { int x=5; printf("%d %d %d\n",x,x<<2,x>>2); }

11 47584

how many header file is in C language ?

44 72147

What is the Difference between Macro and ordinary definition?

3 25127

what is difference between array and structure?

44 130052

who is the founder of c

19 29607

write a program to swap bits in a character and return the value prototype of function char fun (char a, charb flag c) where fun returns a char, char a is a the value char b is the bit to be changed and flag c is the bit value for eg: x=fun(45,7,0) since 45 is 0010 0101 and ow x should contain the value 65 (0110 0101)

1 6702

How to add two numbers without using arithmetic operators?

18 39323

program to get the remainder and quotant of given two numbers with out using % and / operators?

10 31702

Write a program to print all the prime numbers with in the given range

8 27759

To find whether a number is even or odd without using any conditional operator??

12 27019

differentiate between const char *a; char *const a; and char const *a;

2 6719

Write a c pgm for leap year

11 16952

write a program to produce the following output; ABCDEFGFEDCBA ABCDEF FEDCBA ABCDE EDCBA ABCD DCBA ABC CBA AB BA A A

17 56252

Post New College School Exams Tests C Interview Questions

College School Exams Tests C Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What is open hub service?


What is an analogue circuit? Explain with an example.


What is a digest cycle in angularjs?


Is outlook better than apple mail?


What is for loop and its syntax?


Does VB/Win make standalone .EXE files?


What is a command and examples?


What services does iisreset restart?


Mention the date data type in hive. Name the hive data type collection.


what are the different index configurations a table can have? : Sql dba


We have studied about many techniques for finding the stability of system, ROOT LOCUS, ROUTH, BODE PLOT, POLER PLOT etc. In these which is used where. what are the difference among them... PLZ tell me.......


Are arrays dynamic in java?


Why use ISDN?


What is the function of xsl?


How do I merge rows in excel 2016?