Design a cantilever type retaining wall to retain sand for 4m above the ground. The sand fall slopes at the rate of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal. The weight of sand is 18000 N/m3, the angle of repose being 30. The safe bearing capacity of the soil is 200 kn/m2 at 1/25m below the ground level. Use m 15 concrete mix.
2584What is the compressive strength of noramal clay bricks and AAC bricks??. which one is better for load bearing wall//
2 4022Post New College School Exams Tests Civil Engineering Interview Questions
What does pin to start mean in windows 10?
How do you check if two values are the same in excel?
Explain how do I limit the maximum amount of messages the smtp queue can hold?
what is a table called, if it has neither cluster nor non-cluster index? What is it used for? : Sql dba
What is flag in sql?
How can this be legal c?
Explain different ways to run ae, sqr?
Arc is compile time or run time feature?
What is static class data?
What do you ‘run’ the Database Wizard?
can we extend a class having only one parameterised constructor.Suggest the process to do it.
Explain about maximum displacement?
Difference between import wizard vs dataloader?
What is Cross Join and in which scenario do we use Cross Join?
Pls let me know the interview pattern of SBI for clerk cadre.