In a yahoo web Application there are 65 day it will opens 50 links and another day it will open 55 links.In this scenerio write Descriptive programing for Automation?....Pls write the code for this scenerio.
1 3222how can u put synchronization point in qtp,wat is exactly synchroniztion why we use it wat is benifit in qtp
13 41895Post New College School Exams Tests QTP Interview Questions
Explain the function and working of dashboard module ?
Why is spring boot preferred for microservices? : Spring Boot
Where is sql database stored?
Why is jstl used?
What is the talend open studio?
What is the difference between the local container and shared container?
Define bluetooth dongle?
How do you create a pivot table?
Explain with a use case where devops can be used in industry/ real-life
Do apache tomcat generate log files? If yes name them?
What are the options that can be used to avoid logic errors in perl?
what casues little rust pockets to pop through or off concrete cylinder blocks (home)?
What is commandbuilder in
What are primary mediators?
How to calculate Grid rotor resistance(GRR) losses in slip ring induction motor?