The Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution was headed by (1) B.N. Rau (2) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (3) K.M. Munshi (4) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
23 45732Who is the Presiding Officer of the Rajya Sabha? (1) The President (2) The Vice-President (3) The Speaker (4) The Deputy Speaker
13 29280. The first muslim invader in India was (1) Changez Khan (2) Muhammad Ghori (3) Muhammad of Ghazni (4) Muhammad-bin-Qasim
57 69795. Which one of the following is an artificial harbour? (1) Kandla (2) Madras (3) Bombay (4) Kakinada
5 11546. Which place receives the highest rainfall in India? (1) Ahmedabad (2) Pune (3) Chirapunji (4) Panaji
13 20369. Mc Mohan line is an international boundary between (1) India and Pakistan (2) India and China (3) India and Bangladesh (4) None
13 39056. Which of the following agents of gradation is responsible for the formation of ‘Barkhans’? (1) Glaciers (2) Running water (3) Waves (4) Wind
4 11506can any one post Previous question papers of Assistant statistical officers(ASO). which is conducted by APPSC.
30 38029Hi is there any date extension to Group-4 application to apply online. Actually lastdate is 24-02-2009.
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