Post New College School Exams Tests UK Visa Interview Questions
why can we use cosine wave instead of sine in ac supply as both have same rms vale and ripple factor
What does dbml stand for?
The CST assessement for the FY 2006-07 is completed on 31-3- 2010 and the same is received by dealer on 22-4-10. The question is that the dealer colud not produced the original H Forms at the time time asst. except the photostat copies filed. But the CTO not allowed and calculate tax at net 4% on H Forms turnover. CTO is saying that it is time barred by 31-3-10. Therefore even after produced we can not revise. We filed with case laws that it can be revised But when it is time barred it canot be. Therefore I request You to help the dealer ANYCASE LAW is there in the above case Pl. guide us.
How do you determine if there are broken references in the project?
Explain difference types of declarative rules present?
Why did Cisco develop this product?
The maximum report processing jobs limit configured by your system administrator has been reached.How I can Solve this problem when i using crystal report to load from my application.
Explain the operation considering a two processor computer system with a cache for each processor.
How do you merge cells on word?
What are two essential conditions of perfect gas ?
How do you exit a database?
Why is it mandatory to clean a data set?
what are the effects when a salient pole alternator is run at high speed like 3000 r.p.m?
How do you get the width of the textbox?