Post New College School Exams Tests Telecom Security Interview Questions
List the important features of mongodb.
How consignment stocks are created?
What are the different opcodes used for file operation on a subfile in a rpg pgm?
I wish to count the number of cells in a col or row that have a value > 0. How is this done? The zero is displayed in the cells. Count() will only ignore a blank cell?
What is electrical cable termination
what are constraints? Explain different types of constraints? : Sql server database administration
How do you use print settings?
what is an mx record in linux?
What is the diff bet plan,package,dbrm?
Who owns postgres database?
How do I find the size of a postgres table?
Can we compile a program without main() function?
what is basic of networkin ?2.what is main topik of networkin ? installed the software and drivers ? 4. how to connect the pc and net?5.what uses of protocol in networking,and tell main proto of netwo
What are the appserver components?
What is a noscript tag?