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2662Post New College School Exams Tests VB Script Interview Questions
How does the system calculate depreciation? : fi- asset accounting
Why do canadians say zed?
What is the difference in calculating size of AC cables compared to calculating size of DC Cables? Usually DC Cables are larger than AC Cables although they have the same ampacity. Why is it?
What does microsoft blend do?
Explain rupture stress
Explain what is model view controller?
Why blockchain is trustworthy?
How to change application name after its deployment?
Where the mapper's intermediate data will be stored?
Is self mandatory in python?
What are the different sign conventions used in electric circuits?
if interviewer ask me following type of quetions then which type of answer i have to give.which are oppurtunity in buisenessmanagament course in india? why you apply for these course?why you select us country ? what is MBA?why you select these university.
My Apologies, The previous questions were concerning the Transaction ST02
Define server object?
With python, how do you find out which directory you are currently in?