How to reconsile vendor accountswhat to add and subtract is there any standard form please get me answer
1337Post New Accenture Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
what is the calculation method to design core and winding of a 200kva 3phase distribution transformer?
Explain why do substances react with each other?
Which is best database for java?
Whether C Form can be issued for the transactions that made 5-6 years back? What are the procedures?
how do I create a logical volume?
what is json and what is xml?
What is polymorphism in oops with example?
What is zigbee protocol for the internet of things (iot)?
What is pyspark sql?
What is the default object synchronization timeout in qtp?
What Is Loan Management System?
for what purpose the star point is done in ct
How to Extract Icons ?
1. For 10sq.m area(47 kg bitumen contain) of 45 mm thick bitumen mix much bitumen is required for 1600 sq.m and how much aggregate need for that ?? 2. And much tonnage of bitumen mix required for 10 sq.m area of 45 mm thick. Please give answer...
What is the use of aop?