can u explain me banking domain projects ? and in banking domain projects how many dimension tables and how many fact tables and how to load source and targets in mapping level plese expain give me one example?
1 16737write a query to remove null value follwing table? col1 col2 col3 dinesh null null null suresh null null null prakesh i want the output col1 col2 col3 dinesh suresh prakesh
4 8786write sql query to remove null value following table id name 101 dinesh null jyothi null bharathi 102 suresh null shilpha 103 prakesh null suma i want the output id name 101 dinesh 102 suresh 103 prakesh
5 10249write asql query to filter improper date format? date 20-apr 11-mar-2010 30-may-2010 feb-2009 i want the output date 11-mar-2010 30-may-2010
2 6045I cleared Informatica certification Designer. if anybody need dumps, can contact at
119 100765write sql query following source table jan feb mar apr 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100 200 300 i want the output format like month total jan 1500 feb 900 mar 1200 apr 1500
3 7625If we have 1000 rows were loaded in to datawarehouse and next day the source have 1010 rows so, how can we loaded only updated rows into target.
6 10738My source is flat file which contain only one column with data type i want to send string data types into one target and if any numbers and special characters are there that should be send it into another how do you design a mapping for this?
6 10372What are your source in project and how you import in informatica? How can i explain abt this?
1 5934Post New Accenture Informatica Interview Questions
What is global asax in c#?
Where does Parallel flow heat exchanger use?
How do you define data science?
Explain the construction of plasma screens.
How to achieve mapping in hibernate?
Do you know what is adobe photoshop elements 13?
What is the purposes of forword work item attribute ( forword_wi ) ?
Tell me do you have experience with spark or big data tools for machine learning?
Name various components of SAP HANA?
What is NEFT?
During given week a programmer spend 1/4 of his time preparing charts,3/8 of his time for coding,rest of his time for debugging the programs.if he had 48 hrs during the week how many hours did he spend debugging the program?
Why Do I Get A "permission Denied" Error After Downloading The .jnlp Java Launcher For The Vkvm?
Do you get outlook with office 365?
How to make magento working with another domain?
Explain #pragma statements.