If a multi threaded Java program has started numerous number of threads, at any point in time how to know which thread is currently executing/running ?
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4 6424Accenture NJ mostly ask question on Collection like 1)How to sort Objcts and how treeset sort them 2)Explain mechanism of Hashcode finding in Java 3)Name some of the Sorted collection.
2 7457IN java collections we have both interfaces and classes. instead of using interfaces why we can't use classes only like that why we can't use interfaces only. why we need two things interface and class.
6 9297Post New Accenture Core Java Interview Questions
Explain the formula of heat loss in a pipe.
if i want to display the name of students such that to which city they belong must have count greaer than two
Why preferred Production than Drilling?
Explain about rpa testing?
Explain why do you use two ground pins in microprocessor 8086?
What is a standard template library (stl)?
Why use static methods php?
Explain about the plating efficiency for transfection ?
Explain what are the purposes of a requirements document?
How does hibernate work?
What is the function of compareto in java?
Require 7-8 points of difference between cdma ans gsm technology.
How many types of privileges are available in sql?
Is std :: string immutable?
Why should I use the -w argument with my Perl programs?