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Accenture Core Java Interview Questions
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If a multi threaded Java program has started numerous number of threads, at any point in time how to know which thread is currently executing/running ?

7 14248

define System.out.println(); what is the meaning!

19 37061

what is the difference between sleep() and Wait()?

10 46404

what is marker interface ? what is the necessity of it?

5 9581

what is main purpose of interface?

2 13479

Can you make an instance of an abstract class?

5 6869

What is Session and cookies?Explain in detail with an example?

4 18200

what is the output ? Math.floor(-2.1) a)2 b)-2 c)-3.0 d)0

4 12894

How to find the size of an array a)array.length() b)array.length c)array.size() d)array.size

6 9616

what is the Yield() method used in threads?

4 7230

System.out.println(101/14) what is the output? a)6 b)14 c)7.14 d)0

8 9263

when a servlet sends request for first time it uses the follwing methods a)init b)doget() c)dopost() d)service

4 6490

Accenture NJ mostly ask question on Collection like 1)How to sort Objcts and how treeset sort them 2)Explain mechanism of Hashcode finding in Java 3)Name some of the Sorted collection.

2 7515

IN java collections we have both interfaces and classes. instead of using interfaces why we can't use classes only like that why we can't use interfaces only. why we need two things interface and class.

6 9386

What code optimizations techniques you follow in general practice?

2 6189

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Accenture Core Java Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Explain coc in rails?


by which international certificate special import concession can be achived


Specify the differences between pyramid, django, and flask.


Explain what is meant by CORE DUMPS?


Why cant I open a file by its explicit path?


How to dye fabric in order to make quilts, garments, table linens, etc?


What is logical functions in excel?


What is the default location of local repository?


Name a few import control commands. How can Sqoop handle large objects?


Please send ford technologies placement paper 2 my mail id


What is difference between known regression testing and unknown regression testing?


If you will be an animal in the next birth, what animal you would like to be and why?


Bernaullis theorem deals with the law of conservation of mass momentum energy none


why is using sensor?what is differece between photoelectric and proxmitty?


What is short-end fiscal year?