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Accenture Interview Questions
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3 phase =440v single phase = 230v 2 phase =?

8 11690

Difference b/n proc means and proc summary procedures?

3 8735

How to explain a banking project in interview as a test engineer???


How will you add search help in a program

3 10293

c language is thre but what is the purpose of c++, java is there but what is the purpose of Advanced java ....why these are all versions are coming...whta is the problem?

2 4204

i am giving.multiple names like ram,raj,san etc....pls enter & search these names in google pade edit box through script... i told to interviewer, using Ms excel & test easily..but interviwer not happy with that answer?

2 6003

interviwer asks what is data table? my ans is Data table is an internal Excel file of QTP...intervier not happy with this also? can u post any other answer?

3 5786

what is the difference between DATA TABLE and DATA SET?

2 5493

pls guys understand this is question CAREFULLY,,, interviwer asks can u write test case for ATM m/c..i told, insert card enter this,,but interviwer not happy with that...ur not going to atm center? in ur office system ur testing ATM M/c...why to test? what is the process?

1 2940

whaht is the difference between CLASS & OBJECT?

3 6288

your coming from electrical backgroung..but y ur coming to software side?


For REM the settings are dependent or normal?

1 3917

What is wage type in SAP payroll basically. Is it field typ[e or what ?

7 15886

if a program has some 1000 or more line and how to know whether the syntax of the particular code is correct without checking it manually

4 9647

Can you tell me Product costing to CO-PA integration step by step ? Technical things ?


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Accenture Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Define soundex()?


What is the forbidden energy gap? How does it occur?


What is the physical storage length of timestamp data type?


Why can mould vary in colour?


Why do you think it is advised to not to use guid and character columns as clustered index arrays?


What are the benefits of using calculation view with star join?


What is ehcache in java?


What is MTS and MTO and the difference between them?


how many type of plug are used in pneumatic control valve,name them.


Is laravel nova free?


What is func delegate in c#?


What is dual-mode operation in windows operating system?


Which command do you use to exit help window or help command prompt?


What is composite cost of capital? Explain the process to compute it?


Substitute receipts and Unordered Receipts