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Oracle Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What are the differences between public, private, and protected access?

12 73470

what is verification and Validation?

12 20911

what is the use of "swing time" in Load Runner?

5 14994

what is internalization?

5 12782

You reported a Bug.The developers are saying that it's not a Bug even though it is..How you are going to prove that it's a Bug?

15 25154

Difference between this(), super()?

12 34228

How can a tester ensure that his\her test cases covers all the functionalities of a particular application?

5 25525

what is the difference between oracle 81,91,11i

2 18250

There are 3 employees(say 2 colleagues and u not from same dept) in an organisation they used to discuss any thing except their salaries and one day stranger came and asked u to tell the average salary!plz give me the solution.

6 10210

There will be two security guards at hell and heaven. hell guy used to speak lie always and we can ask one and only one question to move into heaven(twist is we don't know who is hell or heaven gaurd).how can we move into heaven?

20 26551

There are two sand clocks(timers) one complete totally in 7 minutes and other in 9-minutes we have to calculate with this timers and bang the bell after completion of 11- minutes!plz give me the solution.

6 18222

What are types of Depreciation?

14 73388

What is singleton class?

16 67906

What is Shared SQL Area?

1 6157

What is correlated sub-query?

7 40899

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Oracle Interview Questions

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What is a class in C++?


what in 4th and 5th normal form ??


What are the different types of calculation view?


Is it ok to install two different peoplesoft versions on same machine?


How do u map a class to a DB table?


How to access a specific character in a string using php?


How do you perform budget structuring and take care of budget overrun issues in Funds management? What is the configuration and what are the T codes that are used?


Can digest cycle be forced to run manually?


What is php and its advantages?


What are generic file types?


what disp parameter we mention for creation of temporary dataset so that we can use it in later steps?


how we Restrict the auth groups for table maintain, creating Auth group using SE54 to built new Auth groups to restrict tables via auth object S_TABU_DIS


What is len function in excel?


what is used for browser enabled infopath ? how can enable code in your infopath form ?


Tell me about triple point of water.