what is verification and Validation?
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Answer / winrunner
Verification typically involves Reviews to evaluate
documents,plans,code,requirements and specifications.This
can be done with check lists .walkthrouhs and inspections.
Validation typically involves actual testing and takes place
after verification
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / sunil reddy
Verificatio is nothing but to check whether our apllication
si based on corresponding specifications or not?
Validation is nothing but to check whether our apllication
ifuinctionality is equal to customer requirements or not?
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / mayee
verification is nothing but the process of checking the
product whether you are doing it in the correct way with
respect to requirements.
Validation- process of checking whether the developed
product is correct or not
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verification is static and validation is dynemic
in verification no need to excute code,while in validation
need to excute code.
verification means are we going to build the system
right.and validation means you are build the right system
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / usha
verification is the process before the build ready, i mean
conducting review on BRS, SRS, HLD, LLD's this process is
called verification, it is process level, done by
validation is conducting testing on build- integration
testing,unit testing, system testing, UAT. This is
completion level.
This is my opinion.
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Answer / vani
verification is the process which checks whether the
application meets specifications given by the customer
other name for this is review
validation is the process where it satisfy the business
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Answer / u bhavya
validation:It answers the question as follows:
"Are we testing the correct product?"
verification:It answers the question as follows:
"Are we testing the product correctly?"
(memory hint:'a' comes before 'e'(vAlidation,vErification)
lly 't' comes before 'y'(correcT,correctlY))
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sunitha
verification is Defect-prevention oriented means before
going to actual testing we review the test plan documents,
test cases.
validation in defect-detection and correction oriented
means actual testing .
if it is wrong plz correct me.
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Answer / abhilash
verification--Testing with respect to SRS or Quality
Validation--Testing with respect to BRS or Quality Control
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ravi
verification is process of checking conducted on each and
every role in the organization working their according to
come comapny rules
validation is process of checking conducted on allready
developed product working according to the expectations or
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