In pricing while creating the price there will be 3 check
boxes, each might be having its own purposes, Pl, let me
know the purpose and action of 3 indivial check boxes
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Answer / ramana
in the pricing procedure there r 3 chek boxes
1. manually
2. mandatory
3. statistical
1. Manually: if u chek this box we can enter particualar
condition type manually in sales order.
2. Mandatory: if u chek this box sales order will give a
warning message if u didn't maintain condition records for
this condition type and should not allow u to save the
sales order.'
3. statistical: if u chek this field the value in that
field should take statistical purpose only
if it is not correct pls get bcak me to
Is This Answer Correct ? | 9 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / murali krishna
Statistical check box is used for only value visible purpose
but not for calculations... Eg: Vprs(cost)
Is This Answer Correct ? | 5 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ashok kumar sahoo
the pricing procedure there are 3 check boxes , that is...
1. Manual:
It determines how the condition type is going to be determining in our pricing procedure manually or
automatically. Ex: Some condition types that do not have any access sequence should/can be determined manually.
That means they do not directly come to the pricing procedure automatically. Ex: Condition type PR00 can be
determined automatically and condition type HA00 (header condition) should be defined manually.
2. Mandatory:
Mandatory indicates that the particular condition type is mandatory in pricing procedure. So that the
end user should maintain the value of a particular condition type in condition records or at least during sales order
processing. Otherwise system will not allow the document to be process for further move. Ex: Condition types
PR00 and MWST are mandatory conditions.
3. Statistical:
It indicates the purpose of condition type is only for information purpose. The value of condition type
will not be taken into consideration in the net value calculation.
Ex: Condition type VPRS (cost)
I Disk Solutions
Is This Answer Correct ? | 4 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / saurabh gupta
in the pricing procedure there r 3 chek boxes
1. manually
2. mandatory
3. statistical
1. Manually: if u check this box we can enter particualar
condition type manually in sales order.
2. Mandatory: if u check this box sales order will give a
warning message if u didn't maintain some price against the
condition type. For e.g. If you have manual pricing and you
do not maintain it then the system will give you a
messge "Mandatory condition PR00 Missing'
3. statistical: if u chek this field the value Is used only
for statistical purpose i.e. You can use the value for
calculation but that value will not be passed to accounts.
This is done if you want some value on print out but not
posted to accounts. For e.g. We have PR00 - Rs. 5,00,000 we
Deducted a discount of 5% and mark the discount condition
as statistical then on print out we will have the values as
5,00,000 - 5% of 5,00,000 but to accounts 5,00,000 will be
posted. If your condition is statistical then you do not
need to maintain a account key against it.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / puranam sunil kumar
Manual:If you check this box condition thpe in sales order
can be entered manually.
Mandatory:If you check this box then the conditoin type is
mandatory i.e. you have enter the condition type if not you
cannot process sales order it gives you warning message.
Statistical:If you check this box this is only for
information.It will not get caluculated or added in net
price.VPRS cost price
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / hemadri kalluri
Meaning of the 3 Check Boxes are
1.Manual : while configuring the pricing procedure if you
check this box , With out this condition also you can
proceed and do the customer billing.
2.Required :If you check this box for any condition at the
time of configuration.
Without this condition you can't be processed any Sales
Order/Customer billing and system won't allow you to save
your Sales Order and it throw the ERROR message.
3.Stastical :If you check this box it means that this
condition is only for reporting purpose. There won't be any
FI posting against this condition.
Hemadri Kalluri,
Sap-PS Consultant.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ayush
Manual: - Any condition type if we check manual, then system will not determine the condition type automatically into sale document. User has to enter it manually in sales document.
In standard all header conditions are manuall.
Required: - Any condition type if we check required, then system will not allow to save the sales document if the condition type is missing.
Statistical: - Any condition type if we check statistical then it will have two effects.
The value of condition type doesn‟t have any effect on net value. The value of condition type will not be posted into accounting.
In standard the statistical condition types are VPRS, SKTO, PI01, KUMU and all bifurcation steps are statistical condition.
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Answer / manjunath
1. Manual: optional entry - If this indicator is set, condition type may or may not be maintained
2. Required: Mandatory- price of the product is required entry- check the box
3. Statistical: only for reference entry – used for statistics will have no effect on calculation
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
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