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Altimetrik Interview Questions
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There is a Database Table of Student Details with Fields Student Id, Student Name, Class ID and Rank. Now how to fetch the first three students with highest ranks from all Classes.

4 11485

Among pooled and Cluster tables, in which table data used to store in Row Format?

3 8350

In Pooled and Cluster Tables, which table we can convert into Transparent Table?

2 8434

What is the Comparison between Class and Function Module in Data Point of View?

3 7288

Can we store Data in Cluster table?

3 9377

User ‘A’ put the Exclusive Lock for one table and User ‘B’ want to put the Shared Lock for the same table. Is it Possible?

2 8034

How many company codes you have defined for your client and why? What was the requirement?

5 5181

How many plants & storage location you have defined for your client and why?

4 5578

Why your client need to implement SAP? And what is the benefit of it?

3 6233

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Un-Answered Questions

How do I check if log truncation is blocked in sybase?


Tell me the different types of sensors.


Explain table partitioning in sybase.


How can I create a free blog and make money?


What is microsoft's web browser?


Can %notfound return null after a fetch?


who can view flash? : Adobe flash


What is the enterprise class platform architecture of cognos 8?


Explain cell padding and cell spacing.


Interview questions for ITC Ltd for ECE stream


How do you upload currency exchange from a flat file?


What do you mean by EJB architecture?


When should you not use a type cast?


What is a real-time data warehouse?


How do I support both get and post from the same servlet?