In R/3 system name the three different kinds of messages. What is the diff. between them?
4 20804After logging into R/3 system if you want an end user to see a specific menu could u do that?
5 15726In R/3 u can represent a company?s structure by defining and assigning corporate structure elements. what is the purpose of doing that?
4 12615Credit control area means? What is the relationship exists between credit control areas and company codes?
10 36719Post New SAP SD (Sales & Distribution) Questions
Bom usage when we create a bom through cs01, what effect does bom usage field have on subsequent configuration? For example, if we take it as 1=production or 5=sales what effect will it have on subsequent processes?
Wht is bill of return? wht is the implications of creating this on another modules like MM FICO etc in integrated way? expalian steps with transaction code to verify this implications in modules like MMand fico Wht is make to orders? wht is the implications of creating this on another modules like MM FICO etc in integrated way? expalian steps with transaction code to verify this implications in modules like MMand fico Wht is consignment? wht is the implications of creating this on another modules like MM FICO etc in integrated way? expalian steps with transaction code to verify this implications in modules like MMand fico
1. Credit Control Area can be mapped to Sales Area and Company Code. To which systems gives priority? 2. Whether Credit Memo request will be generated only when Rebate agreement tgt amount is achieved? 3. How to have different Pricing procedure for a Billing Doc and Credit Memo Request? 4. Credit Memo request to Credit Memo: what are the accounting entry changes? 5. Copy Control: Significance of Assignment option? 6. One time customer: How system will react while creating Order using one time customer?
what is application key in account determination where its mentained. plz ans its urgent
Does sap transportation management require the use of sap event management? : transportation management
Define the term consignment stock?
how can I do (config)? if my product category like this 1 product brand exam 101 brand A, 102 brand B 2 product type exam 501 type water, 502 type resin my sale deal is every customer can buy mix product category if buy 400.00 each can get free goods 10.00 each from any product in mix cat exam customer order line brand type quantity 1 101 501 100.00 2 101 502 100.00 3 102 501 100.00 4 102 502 100.00 mean customer meet target can get free 10.00 each but customer can select material in mix category chot trinnamaitip
How do you control entry possibility of condition values at order through condition type settings?
Can you combine orders into one invoice?
Do you participate in implementatation? What is your role in imp. Phase? what have udone in implementation? Which methodology you use in imp.?
What is the function of Profit center in Material master and how will system react when it finds Profit center in MM/when it does not find Profit center in MM? Plz answer for both the scenarios?
What is handling unit in sap?
What is rush order?
A 'plant' is assigned to which of the entities in the sd organization?
How does SD and MM integration…. Let’s say when I post a good issue when you do delivery confirmation but it’s nothing, what happened during PGI in the system?