In pricing while creating the price there will be 3 check
boxes, each might be having its own purposes, Pl, let me
know the purpose and action of 3 indivial check boxes

Answer Posted / hemadri kalluri

Meaning of the 3 Check Boxes are

1.Manual : while configuring the pricing procedure if you
check this box , With out this condition also you can
proceed and do the customer billing.

2.Required :If you check this box for any condition at the
time of configuration.
Without this condition you can't be processed any Sales
Order/Customer billing and system won't allow you to save
your Sales Order and it throw the ERROR message.

3.Stastical :If you check this box it means that this
condition is only for reporting purpose. There won't be any
FI posting against this condition.

Hemadri Kalluri,
Sap-PS Consultant.

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